
The deployer commands use Ansible to execute automation scripts on your droplets. Playbooks are not included with Dolphin, but you can use our ansible-playbooks repository to get started and create your own playbooks.

Listing Playbooks

Run the list command to see the available playbooks:

./dolphin deployer list
Playbooks Currently Available:

NAME                          DESCRIPTION                   
apache_ubuntu1804             apache for ubuntu1804         
docker_ubuntu1804             docker for ubuntu1804         
lamp_ubuntu1804               lamp for ubuntu1804           
lemp_ubuntu1804               lemp for ubuntu1804           
setup_ubuntu1804              setup for ubuntu1804          
wordpress-lamp_ubuntu1804     wordpress-lamp for ubuntu1804 

Running a Playbook with Deployer

Playbooks should be located in a folder specified in your config.php file. This is set to var/playbooks by default. The playbooks folder should have a format similar to this:

  - setup_ubuntu/
    - playbook.yml
  - lamp/
    - playbook.yml

To run a playbook on a droplet, use:

dolphin deployer run [playbook] on [target]

Using the Community Playbooks

To use the community playbooks from our ansible-playbooks repository, clone that repo into the var/playbooks folder:

cd var/playbooks
git clone community-playbooks

Then, adjust the playbooks_path setting inside your config.php file to point to the cloned repository folder:

'playbooks_path' => __DIR__ . '/var/playbooks/community-playbooks',

Example Worfklow for Deploying a new Wordpress on LAMP

Setting up a new WordPress(LAMP) server based on the community playbooks would require a workflow like the following:

  1. Adjust the playbook settings for both the setup_ubuntu1804 and the wordpress_ubuntu1804 playbooks by editing their respective vars/default.yml variable files.
  2. Create a new server with dolphin droplet create. Copy the server name.
  3. Run the Initial Server Setup as root (considering you've set up your SSH key in your config.php file): dolphin deployer run setup_ubuntu1804 server-name user=root
  4. Run the Wordpress on LAMP playbook: dolphin deployer run wordpress-lamp_ubuntu1804 server-name

Please notice each playbook run might take several minutes to complete.

Run dolphin droplet list to obtain the server IP. Access it from your browser and you should see the WP setup page.